Complete the Strategic Plan Public Survey!
The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…
BARTA Winter Rider Alert Now Available!
During a winter weather event, BARTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. BARTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…
South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is the management organization that oversees BARTA services in Reading, PA, and Red Rose Transit in Lancaster, PA. SCTA Board Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month and rotate between the Lancaster and Reading offices. The meetings are held at BARTA’s Administrative Offices, 1700 North 11th Street, Reading, PA and RRTA Operations Center, 45 Erick Road, Lancaster, PA. For information about SCTA Board Meetings please visit the SCTA website.
Note: If any BARTA business is needed for a BARTA Board Meeting to be held it will be separately advertised and the meeting will be held immediately following the SCTA Board Meeting.
If any BARTA Board action occurs, minutes will be placed here. For monthly SCTA Board Meeting Minutes please visit the SCTA website.
2021 BARTA Organizational Public Meeting
View Archived Minutes