Detour & Service Alerts 2

Complete the Strategic Plan Public Survey!

The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…

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BARTA Winter Rider Alert Now Available!

During a winter weather event, BARTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. BARTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…

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How to Ride

How to Ride

Step 1 – Find Your Schedule

You first must determine what bus route and time you would like to travel. View our transit schedules for more information.

View Transit Schedules

Step 2 – Locating a Bus Stop

After checking the schedule and locating your route and the times you want to travel, stand at the bus stop. BARTA bus stops are marked with posted bus stop signs. If there is not a posted bus stop near the area in which you want to board along a route, go to the nearest intersection and wait on the same side of the street in which the bus is traveling. Always try to be at the bus stop several minutes early.

Step 3 – Identify Your Bus

Read the bus destination signs before boarding. BARTA buses are marked with both the names and numbers of the route they serve. They are located at the front of the bus, as well as to the left of the front door.

Step 4 – Boarding Your Bus

Stand where the driver can see you. If you’re inside a bus shelter, step outside once you see your bus approaching. Otherwise, it is helpful to wave at the driver as the bus approaches to indicate that you would like to board the bus.

Have your children ready to board and your stroller folded before the bus pulls up.

Please wait to get on the bus until all riders wishing to get off have done so. If several riders are getting on the same bus, please form a line to speed boarding.

If you find it difficult to step up into the bus, ask the driver to lower the bus for you. Our buses have a special “kneeling” feature which lowers the first step to curb level. The bus is also equipped with a ramp that can lower to assist in boarding for anyone who needs this feature.

Step 5 – Paying Your Fare

Have the exact fare, your BARTA Pass ready when you board. Stopping to count change or taking time to find your pass can delay other riders who are waiting to get on or off the bus.

If you are purchasing an All Day Pass onboard the bus, YOU MUST TELL THE DRIVER BEFORE YOU INSERT THE MONEY INTO THE FAREBOX!

View Fares

Step 6 – Transferring From One Bus to Another

If you plan on changing buses to complete your trip and you are paying with cash ask the driver for a transfer. BARTA Pass holders do not need to purchase transfers.

Passengers transferring to another bus must take the first bus available for the transfer. A transfer may not be used to make a return trip or to continue a trip on the same route or in the same direction. When you change buses, insert the transfer into the farebox on the second bus.

Step 7 – Getting Off the Bus

Drivers are required to announce stops and identify routes. If you need the driver to call your stop, just ask when you board.

When you approach your destination, remember to pull the chime cord located above the window area, about one block before your bus stop. If another passenger has rung the bell, a sign will light up behind the driver stating, “stop requested”. It is not necessary to ring the bell again.

Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before deboarding.

When the route is busy, please use the rear doors to exit the vehicle.