Complete the Strategic Plan Public Survey!
The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…
BARTA Winter Rider Alert Now Available!
During a winter weather event, BARTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. BARTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…
BARTA partnered with Avail Technologies to provide a real-time bus tracking system, which is powered by GPS technology.
BusFinder allows riders to plan a trip, find their bus including its exact location, sent an email alert for bus arrivals/departures and retrieve up-to-the minute inbound/outbound schedules.
Here are tips to review:
Note: To receive text alerts from BARTA customers will need to create an Account in the BusFinder System.