Puerto Rican Day Parade: Route 18 Detour (Sunday, September 8, 2024)
On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the following streets will CLOSE from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM for the Puerto Rican Day Parade: Penn Street from 11th Street to 3rd Street Perkiomen Avenue from Franklin Street…
Puerto Rican Day Parade: Route 15 & Route 16 Detour (Sunday, September 8, 2024)
On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the following streets will CLOSE from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM for the Puerto Rican Day Parade: Penn Street from 11th Street to 3rd Street Perkiomen Avenue from Franklin Street…
Puerto Rican Day Parade: Route 4 Detour (Sunday, September 8, 2024)
On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the following streets will CLOSE from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM for the Puerto Rican Day Parade: Penn Street from 11th Street to 3rd Street Perkiomen Avenue from Franklin Street…
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