Detour & Service Alerts 3

Route 8/Birdsboro Detour (Friday, January 17, 2025)

Due to a road closure the Route 8/Birdsboro will be using the following detour on Friday, January 17, 2025:  Route 8/Birdsboro Detour: Left on Hopewell St. to Left on Chestnut St. to RT 345. Debido…

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Complete the Strategic Plan Public Survey!

The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…

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BARTA Winter Rider Alert Now Available!

During a winter weather event, BARTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. BARTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…

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Accessible ADA Services

Half Fare Program

The Half Fare Program is for persons with qualifying disabilities to receive half off the cash fare on BARTA’s fixed-route bus service. Persons under age 65 with a Medicare card qualify for this program. Customers who have a Half Fare ID card, can ride at half the cash fare all day.  A Half Fare ID Card or Medicare Card must be shown to receive the cash fare discount at the time of boarding.  An application must be filled out to receive the Half Fare ID Card.  Feel free to click on the application link and email us the completed form to

Half Fare Application

Solicitud de Media Tarifa

Applications can also be picked up at the BARTA Administrative Offices or one can be sent to you in the mail. Just call BARTA at 610-921-2361 and we will be happy to mail you one.

Accessibility Features

BARTA offers a convenient, accessible and safe way for people with disabilities to get around.  BARTA offers materials and forms in other accessible formats.  If you need materials or forms in a different format please contact us.

Blind or Low Vision Customers:
If you are blind or have a vision impairment, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses.

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Customers:
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses:

Limited Mobility:
If you use a wheelchair, scooter or other mobility device, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses:

Mobility Devices/Aids
All passengers who utilize wheelchairs must be properly secured before the bus may move.

If a passenger has an oxygen tank or other medical aid, all items must be secured and kept out of the aisles.  Customers are responsible for ensuring they have sufficient aid to last the duration of their trip.  At times, our vehicles are delayed due to traffic, auto accidents or other unusual circumstances.

American With Disabilities Act (ADA) Reasonable Modifications

On March 13, 2015, the Federal Department of Transportation issued a Final Rule affecting 49 CFR Parts 27 and 37:  Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Reasonable Modification of Policies and Practices.  The purpose behind this final rule is, “…specifically to provide that transportation entities are required to make reasonable modifications/accommodations to policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure that their programs are accessible to individuals with disabilities.”  The modification requires Federal funding recipients make reasonable accommodations in policies, practices or procedures, when necessary, to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability unless recipients can demonstrate that making the accommodations would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity or result in an undue financial and administrative burden.  This requirement, applying to both fixed-route and paratransit services, is effective July 13, 2015.

BARTA’s Reasonable Modification request process is consistent with the ruling: (1) individuals requesting modifications are asked to describe what they need in order to use the service; (2) individuals are not required to use the term “reasonable modification” when requesting modifications or accommodations; (3) when feasible, requests for modifications should be made in advance; (4) operating personnel may make a determination for modification at the time of service – management may be consulted to grant/deny the request.  Requests may be submitted to the Reasonable Modification Officer, 1700 North 11th Street, Reading, PA 19604 or be email or by phone (610) 921-0601.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Modificación Razonable

El 13 de marzo de 2015, el Departamento Federal de Transporte emitió una norma definitiva que afecta a 49 CFR Partes 27 y 37: Transporte para Personas con Discapacidad; Modificación Razonable de Políticas y Prácticas. El propósito detrás de esta regla final es: “… específicamente para disponer que se necesitan entidades de transporte para hacer modificaciones razonables / alojamiento en las políticas, prácticas y procedimientos para evitar la discriminación y garantizar que sus programas sean accesibles a las personas con discapacidad.” La modificación requiere beneficiarios federales de financiación hacen ajustes razonables en las políticas, prácticas o procedimientos, cuando sea necesario, para evitar la discriminación por motivos de discapacidad a menos beneficiarios pueden demostrar que lo que el alojamiento alteraría fundamentalmente la naturaleza del servicio, programa o actividad o dar lugar a una carga financiera y administrativa excesiva. Este requisito, aplicando tanto a ruta fija y servicios de transporte informal, es efectiva 13 de julio 2015.
Razonable proceso de solicitud de modificación de BARTA es coherente con la sentencia: (1) las personas que solicitan modificaciones se les pide que describan lo que necesitan para utilizar el servicio; (2) los individuos no están obligados a utilizar el término “modificación razonable” al solicitar modificaciones o adaptaciones; (3) cuando sea posible, las solicitudes de modificaciones deben hacerse con anticipación; (4) El personal que operan pueden hacer una determinación para la modificación en el momento de la gestión del servicio puede consultarse a conceder / denegar la solicitud.
Las solicitudes podrán presentarse a la razonable Modificación Oficial, 1700 North 11th Street, Reading, PA 19604 o por correo electrónico o por teléfono (610) 921-0601. Para obtener más información, visite

ADA Complaint Process

A complaint is any issue or dispute or objection you express to us about our agency or about the coverage, operations or policies.  If you have a complaint or compliment about our services, about how you were treated by our staff or a driver, or about our policies and procedures, please tell us.  If you feel you have been discriminated against for transit services under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) please use the ADA Complaint Form listed below or call the BARTA Director of Operations at 610-921-0601 or email at  We will record your complaint, investigate it and respond to you within five (5) days.  Copies of the complaint, agency responses/resolutions and corrective action plan will be kept on file.

BARTA ADA Complaint Form

BARTA Spanish ADA Complaint Form